ইতোমধ্যেই আপনারা জেনেছেন, গ্রামীনফোনে কর্মী ছাটাই চলছে। এই ছাটাই
করতে গিয়ে গ্রামীনফোন তার কর্মীদের সাথে যে আচরণ করছে তা কতটুকু মানবতাবোধ
সম্পন্ন বা ন্যায় সংগত উপায়ে করছে সেটা হয়ত আমরা অনেকেই জানি না।
দেয়ালে পিঠ ঠেকে গেলে মানুষ কিছু বলবেই, বিশেষ করে যখন স্বেচ্ছাচারিতা লাগামহীন হয়ে পড়ে। সম্প্রতি গ্রামীন ফোনের সেলস বিভাগের এক কর্মকর্তা সিইও কে একটি ই-মেইল করেছেন, যেখানে তিনি পুরো চিত্রটি তুলে এনেছেন এবং বোঝাতে চেয়েছেন, যেসব কর্মীর ঘাম ঝরানো পরিশ্রমের বিনিময়ে গ্রামীনফোন আজ এক নম্বর অবস্থানে, তাদের সাথে গ্রামীনফোন এখন যে আচরণ করছে, সেটা মানবতার কোন স্তরেই পড়ে না। এটা স্রেফ হারামীপনা !
এ চিঠির কপি তিনি দিয়েছেন, টেলিনর গ্রুপ এর সিইও সহ আন্তর্জাতিক শ্রম সংস্থা এবং বাংলাদেশ শ্রম ও কর্মসংস্থান মন্ত্রনালয় পর্যন্ত।
চিঠিটি পড়ুন।
মূল চিঠিটি ডাউনলোড করতে চাইলে এখানে ক্লিক করুনঃ
মিডিয়াফায়ার লিংক
তাহলে এ থেকে আমাদের শিক্ষনীয় কি?
যারা গ্রামীনফোনের নাম শুনলেই গলে পড়েন বা মনে করেন গ্রামীনফোনে একটা চাকরি পেলে জীবন স্বার্থক, তাদের জন্য আশা করি এই চিঠি চোখ খুলে দেবে। এর চেয়ে সরকারী চাকরি অনেক ভাল, ওখানে সব চলে গেলেও চাকরি থেকে যায়...
ছবিগুলোতে লেখা স্পষ্ট না, তাই চিঠির লেখাগুলো এখানে পেস্ট করে দিলাম, ওয়ার্ডে কপি করে নিলে পড়তে সুবিধা হবে।
My Voice… My Opinion… My feelings.
Grameenphone, (a concern of Telenor group) the largest telecom operator in Bangladesh started its operations back in 1997 with the motto of socio economic development through telecom services. Now Grameenphone enjoys around 38 million subscriber base, more or less 50% revenue market share with 40% cash flow margin.
Who invested the sweats behind these unbeaten successes of the company? It’s the young, energetic and passionate people of the company invested their best time and effort unconditionally for growing Grameenphone businesses and their individual career.
Think about the expansion of network! One of GP’s best strength is network & we always proud of it. Based on the sleepless night, restless day & different risky steps made us proud to be the best in network. Who did it? Yes, our colleagues who works in Technical Division.
There is 355000 Point of Sales in all over the country. Our colleagues who work in Sales made this happen. Their hard labor made today’s 38 million subscriber bases & the revenue you count daily, monthly, yearly.
The colleagues, who are working very hard, count every second to provide the best service to this huge customer base. You will find many of our colleagues suffering with their ear & throat only for ensuring the right service. There might be policy on ENT checkup on regular basis, but whether this has been practiced or not? Is the ENT Compensation rightly defined? These sorts of questions play in the mind of your Employees in Customer Service. Is there any one to make them informed & assure them for ensuring their rights?
If you have got time please ask your employee who works in Marketing, GP IT, Communication, IBB, Product, Security, Legal & compliance, P&O, VOCM, CRM, Corporate Affairs …how they feel, how they react, how are they treated?
I am working for almost 7 years in this organization & most of us are working here for 3 to 15 years. We are the only ones who can claim that our sweat has built this organization; only we can claim that we love it more than the person who came here for few days worked on project & went away. We never wanted to see this company even in 2nd position; we want to set our image globally. We feel proud when we joined this company & we want to be proud when we have to leave it, we want to be proud as long as our memories are not faded & we want to proudly tell cherishing stories of working in this company.
My Dear Leader,
For your kind information, two years back we have got one Increment Policy and the increment was based on Inflation rate & the performance. Through the policy management categorized positive Outlier & Negative Outlier after analyzing the role for the position.
You may recall the day on 03 May, 2012, you & your management team shared us with some major issues under the head of “GP Strategy Update”. In that session our respected CPO Mr. Haroon Bhatti shared with us the “New Increment Policy”. You saw the reaction/question/expression of your employee & how they challenged each & every logic of the policy. The employees were very demotivated with the answers against their questions & depressed to see the logic behind the new policy & the unexpected behavior of our respected CPO. For this new policy we got only 0% to 5 % as per the PMP rates of individual employee but this year the inflation rate is almost 11%. If the average increment rate is 3%, how will the employee of GP, fight against 11% inflation rate? Please go and ask the employees in E & D band that is it possible to manage their livelihood with the increment that they have got.
In spite of this we were working & businesses are going as usual. One day we got to know that in P&O Division, organizational restructure has been started & a good number of employees will not be able to secure their job & today we all seen it.
Time is going by and business is going as usual. A meeting had been called on 29 May “Town Hall Meeting” a regular quarterly meeting with Distribution & Retail Sales (DRS) people, where generally quarterly business update & next quarter action on business is shared. We attend the meeting on time. In this fine morning a large portion of employees found that they are no longer required for the company in the name of “Business Need”, maximum positions (other than the ones in higher band) are open and need to go through assessment processes (written & viva) to secure any position even if it is his own position (may little things changes in JD) which he has been serving for a couple of years. In this meeting I asked to the management about the compensation for the employees who will not be able to secure their position & mentioned the example of other Opco’s of Telenor, AMEX. In answer one of our respected P&O representatives Mr. Tauhid Abdullah tried to make us understand the perspective & the practice in some other general organization on compensation issue in his way. But, I failed to make him convince that we are working for that company which is number one in the country, generating highest revenue for Telenor & with this revenue other loosing concern/Opco’s of Telenor is maintained. I salute to one of my colleagues who stood up, politely but strongly protested the rude behavior of one our respected P&O members. I also thank him (respected P&O representative) for his apology in the session. Finally, we have asked our respected management for written communication for this assessment process, but they denied strongly.
This is not the end; on 4th June, 2012 again employees who have found their position vacant were called in “Town Hall Meeting” (E Band called at morning Session & D band called after lunch). In the morning session DRS Management presented some slides & right after that told them (presented employees) instantly they have to appear in a written test. First time employees opposed this behavior but they were not given any other option but to take the exam or they had better leave the company right away. But in this big bunch, few people were steady on their decision & did not appear the written test. Mohammad Shariful Islam was representing from P&O part. About this assessment process & Exit process he had made the audience clear. He told Exit Package will be applicable for those who will not be qualified through assessment process & who will not take part in the assessment process. He also shared the so called “Exit Package”. Inhumanity is becoming a culture in Grameenphone where management is offering only a token money to the employee which is very nominal figure to a person who is losing his/her job.
The day came & the employees got their result of written test & the ones non-qualified (in management view) got called by P&O for an interview. In interview, interviewers offer the “Exit Package” (I should say it “Compensation”) & so far as know almost all interviewees demanded for their right compensation as for psychological harassment, social harassment, monetary insecurity, uncertain future etc. It has also been communicated orally by the interview board that the day after the interview interviewee will lose his/her office access, e-mail access & other accesses, though the employee is still the employee of Grameenphone. The employee rights have been snatched away from the employee who have faced interview. What was the fault of those employees since they have not been suspended terminated or they haven’t even resigned? Was joining Grameenphone his/her mistake of life?
As per the communication of P&O representative some of the employees of D band in DRS were not interested to apply for any vacant position. But last week the line supervisors communicated to his/her team (one to one) that everyone has to apply for the position otherwise they will not be entitled for “Exit Package” (I should say it “Compensation”). In them some employees were confused & applied but some others were firm on their decision & it reflects the slogan “I am on it”. What should we say? Is it psychological harassment or violation of human rights or violation of Code of Conduct (COC)?
I think we should work more on GP values from TOP to Bottom.
The assessment process is still running in DRS. This process has been started in Product. Now, question that arises in the mind is which division/dept./unit/ will be the next one to go through this process.
My Dear Top Management,
I highly understand that as a profit making organization the company has all the privileges to shape its organizational structure but there should be a fair, accountable, justified, and humane process to take these steps. All we want is to be treated as humans and not animals because you will have to lead by example with the saying that “Treat your customer as you want to be treated”. Beginning from the interview to taking written exams nothing has been conducted respectfully and there is not a single answer to our questions. We know that a lot of us will have to leave the company. Personally I did not apply for any position as I decided & I am on it, to leave this beautiful organization through the process of your management, where employees are treated as burden/unproductive/garbage. But once upon a time these employees were treated as strengths.
I don’t have personal benefit of writing this letter since I have chosen to leave but I believe that my colleagues who are in fact my family members should have their future in safe hands. Communicating this to my GP family members would allow me gets rid of the guilty burden on my soul.
I am still looking for some answers to the questions which I still bear in my mind. Can the management be kind enough to answers my questions please?
If it is business need to lay-off, should we not follow the right process?
Is the amount your management decided to give as compensation, sufficient?
It has already been leaked out to the media about the details of employee-cut. Shouldn’t the company be responsible to portray a good image of its own & its exit employees to the rest of the world?
Whether our new increment policy is justified when the inflation rate is almost 11% & the average increment is only 3%?
Should not it need to define rightly the ENT Compensation for GP employees?
When GP will declare the 5 % profit share & distribute in employees?
Will it be benefitted for the GP & Employee both if launched “Voluntary Retirement Scheme”?
My Dear Patrons in higher management
So far I know that there are several Opco in Telenor where Employee Association exists. But we little know about it. I wish if there is an Employee Association/Union in GP, I need not to write you this long letter. Though GP has clearly stated in Code of Conduct, in top of page 3 of 7 and mentioned under rule 2, we the employees can form an Employee Association/Union. But this is regret to us we have not form this in GP’s 15 years journey. I believe this is needed not only for the sake of secure employee rights, as well as it will secure the company benefits.
I do not know what will happen with me after sending this mail to you. I might be terminated by the management or even worst may happen to me as this management can do anything which is breach of human rights. But, believe me now I only need to get rid of the accountability of my soul. One last thing that I beg to you, please answer me before you snatch away my accesses.
My dear respected leader, please listen me.
May Allah keep us all safe. Ameen.
Md. Omer Faruk
Grameenphone Ltd.
দেয়ালে পিঠ ঠেকে গেলে মানুষ কিছু বলবেই, বিশেষ করে যখন স্বেচ্ছাচারিতা লাগামহীন হয়ে পড়ে। সম্প্রতি গ্রামীন ফোনের সেলস বিভাগের এক কর্মকর্তা সিইও কে একটি ই-মেইল করেছেন, যেখানে তিনি পুরো চিত্রটি তুলে এনেছেন এবং বোঝাতে চেয়েছেন, যেসব কর্মীর ঘাম ঝরানো পরিশ্রমের বিনিময়ে গ্রামীনফোন আজ এক নম্বর অবস্থানে, তাদের সাথে গ্রামীনফোন এখন যে আচরণ করছে, সেটা মানবতার কোন স্তরেই পড়ে না। এটা স্রেফ হারামীপনা !
এ চিঠির কপি তিনি দিয়েছেন, টেলিনর গ্রুপ এর সিইও সহ আন্তর্জাতিক শ্রম সংস্থা এবং বাংলাদেশ শ্রম ও কর্মসংস্থান মন্ত্রনালয় পর্যন্ত।
চিঠিটি পড়ুন।
মূল চিঠিটি ডাউনলোড করতে চাইলে এখানে ক্লিক করুনঃ
মিডিয়াফায়ার লিংক
তাহলে এ থেকে আমাদের শিক্ষনীয় কি?
যারা গ্রামীনফোনের নাম শুনলেই গলে পড়েন বা মনে করেন গ্রামীনফোনে একটা চাকরি পেলে জীবন স্বার্থক, তাদের জন্য আশা করি এই চিঠি চোখ খুলে দেবে। এর চেয়ে সরকারী চাকরি অনেক ভাল, ওখানে সব চলে গেলেও চাকরি থেকে যায়...
ছবিগুলোতে লেখা স্পষ্ট না, তাই চিঠির লেখাগুলো এখানে পেস্ট করে দিলাম, ওয়ার্ডে কপি করে নিলে পড়তে সুবিধা হবে।
My Voice… My Opinion… My feelings.
Grameenphone, (a concern of Telenor group) the largest telecom operator in Bangladesh started its operations back in 1997 with the motto of socio economic development through telecom services. Now Grameenphone enjoys around 38 million subscriber base, more or less 50% revenue market share with 40% cash flow margin.
Who invested the sweats behind these unbeaten successes of the company? It’s the young, energetic and passionate people of the company invested their best time and effort unconditionally for growing Grameenphone businesses and their individual career.
Think about the expansion of network! One of GP’s best strength is network & we always proud of it. Based on the sleepless night, restless day & different risky steps made us proud to be the best in network. Who did it? Yes, our colleagues who works in Technical Division.
There is 355000 Point of Sales in all over the country. Our colleagues who work in Sales made this happen. Their hard labor made today’s 38 million subscriber bases & the revenue you count daily, monthly, yearly.
The colleagues, who are working very hard, count every second to provide the best service to this huge customer base. You will find many of our colleagues suffering with their ear & throat only for ensuring the right service. There might be policy on ENT checkup on regular basis, but whether this has been practiced or not? Is the ENT Compensation rightly defined? These sorts of questions play in the mind of your Employees in Customer Service. Is there any one to make them informed & assure them for ensuring their rights?
If you have got time please ask your employee who works in Marketing, GP IT, Communication, IBB, Product, Security, Legal & compliance, P&O, VOCM, CRM, Corporate Affairs …how they feel, how they react, how are they treated?
I am working for almost 7 years in this organization & most of us are working here for 3 to 15 years. We are the only ones who can claim that our sweat has built this organization; only we can claim that we love it more than the person who came here for few days worked on project & went away. We never wanted to see this company even in 2nd position; we want to set our image globally. We feel proud when we joined this company & we want to be proud when we have to leave it, we want to be proud as long as our memories are not faded & we want to proudly tell cherishing stories of working in this company.
My Dear Leader,
For your kind information, two years back we have got one Increment Policy and the increment was based on Inflation rate & the performance. Through the policy management categorized positive Outlier & Negative Outlier after analyzing the role for the position.
You may recall the day on 03 May, 2012, you & your management team shared us with some major issues under the head of “GP Strategy Update”. In that session our respected CPO Mr. Haroon Bhatti shared with us the “New Increment Policy”. You saw the reaction/question/expression of your employee & how they challenged each & every logic of the policy. The employees were very demotivated with the answers against their questions & depressed to see the logic behind the new policy & the unexpected behavior of our respected CPO. For this new policy we got only 0% to 5 % as per the PMP rates of individual employee but this year the inflation rate is almost 11%. If the average increment rate is 3%, how will the employee of GP, fight against 11% inflation rate? Please go and ask the employees in E & D band that is it possible to manage their livelihood with the increment that they have got.
In spite of this we were working & businesses are going as usual. One day we got to know that in P&O Division, organizational restructure has been started & a good number of employees will not be able to secure their job & today we all seen it.
Time is going by and business is going as usual. A meeting had been called on 29 May “Town Hall Meeting” a regular quarterly meeting with Distribution & Retail Sales (DRS) people, where generally quarterly business update & next quarter action on business is shared. We attend the meeting on time. In this fine morning a large portion of employees found that they are no longer required for the company in the name of “Business Need”, maximum positions (other than the ones in higher band) are open and need to go through assessment processes (written & viva) to secure any position even if it is his own position (may little things changes in JD) which he has been serving for a couple of years. In this meeting I asked to the management about the compensation for the employees who will not be able to secure their position & mentioned the example of other Opco’s of Telenor, AMEX. In answer one of our respected P&O representatives Mr. Tauhid Abdullah tried to make us understand the perspective & the practice in some other general organization on compensation issue in his way. But, I failed to make him convince that we are working for that company which is number one in the country, generating highest revenue for Telenor & with this revenue other loosing concern/Opco’s of Telenor is maintained. I salute to one of my colleagues who stood up, politely but strongly protested the rude behavior of one our respected P&O members. I also thank him (respected P&O representative) for his apology in the session. Finally, we have asked our respected management for written communication for this assessment process, but they denied strongly.
This is not the end; on 4th June, 2012 again employees who have found their position vacant were called in “Town Hall Meeting” (E Band called at morning Session & D band called after lunch). In the morning session DRS Management presented some slides & right after that told them (presented employees) instantly they have to appear in a written test. First time employees opposed this behavior but they were not given any other option but to take the exam or they had better leave the company right away. But in this big bunch, few people were steady on their decision & did not appear the written test. Mohammad Shariful Islam was representing from P&O part. About this assessment process & Exit process he had made the audience clear. He told Exit Package will be applicable for those who will not be qualified through assessment process & who will not take part in the assessment process. He also shared the so called “Exit Package”. Inhumanity is becoming a culture in Grameenphone where management is offering only a token money to the employee which is very nominal figure to a person who is losing his/her job.
The day came & the employees got their result of written test & the ones non-qualified (in management view) got called by P&O for an interview. In interview, interviewers offer the “Exit Package” (I should say it “Compensation”) & so far as know almost all interviewees demanded for their right compensation as for psychological harassment, social harassment, monetary insecurity, uncertain future etc. It has also been communicated orally by the interview board that the day after the interview interviewee will lose his/her office access, e-mail access & other accesses, though the employee is still the employee of Grameenphone. The employee rights have been snatched away from the employee who have faced interview. What was the fault of those employees since they have not been suspended terminated or they haven’t even resigned? Was joining Grameenphone his/her mistake of life?
As per the communication of P&O representative some of the employees of D band in DRS were not interested to apply for any vacant position. But last week the line supervisors communicated to his/her team (one to one) that everyone has to apply for the position otherwise they will not be entitled for “Exit Package” (I should say it “Compensation”). In them some employees were confused & applied but some others were firm on their decision & it reflects the slogan “I am on it”. What should we say? Is it psychological harassment or violation of human rights or violation of Code of Conduct (COC)?
I think we should work more on GP values from TOP to Bottom.
The assessment process is still running in DRS. This process has been started in Product. Now, question that arises in the mind is which division/dept./unit/ will be the next one to go through this process.
My Dear Top Management,
I highly understand that as a profit making organization the company has all the privileges to shape its organizational structure but there should be a fair, accountable, justified, and humane process to take these steps. All we want is to be treated as humans and not animals because you will have to lead by example with the saying that “Treat your customer as you want to be treated”. Beginning from the interview to taking written exams nothing has been conducted respectfully and there is not a single answer to our questions. We know that a lot of us will have to leave the company. Personally I did not apply for any position as I decided & I am on it, to leave this beautiful organization through the process of your management, where employees are treated as burden/unproductive/garbage. But once upon a time these employees were treated as strengths.
I don’t have personal benefit of writing this letter since I have chosen to leave but I believe that my colleagues who are in fact my family members should have their future in safe hands. Communicating this to my GP family members would allow me gets rid of the guilty burden on my soul.
I am still looking for some answers to the questions which I still bear in my mind. Can the management be kind enough to answers my questions please?
If it is business need to lay-off, should we not follow the right process?
Is the amount your management decided to give as compensation, sufficient?
It has already been leaked out to the media about the details of employee-cut. Shouldn’t the company be responsible to portray a good image of its own & its exit employees to the rest of the world?
Whether our new increment policy is justified when the inflation rate is almost 11% & the average increment is only 3%?
Should not it need to define rightly the ENT Compensation for GP employees?
When GP will declare the 5 % profit share & distribute in employees?
Will it be benefitted for the GP & Employee both if launched “Voluntary Retirement Scheme”?
My Dear Patrons in higher management
So far I know that there are several Opco in Telenor where Employee Association exists. But we little know about it. I wish if there is an Employee Association/Union in GP, I need not to write you this long letter. Though GP has clearly stated in Code of Conduct, in top of page 3 of 7 and mentioned under rule 2, we the employees can form an Employee Association/Union. But this is regret to us we have not form this in GP’s 15 years journey. I believe this is needed not only for the sake of secure employee rights, as well as it will secure the company benefits.
I do not know what will happen with me after sending this mail to you. I might be terminated by the management or even worst may happen to me as this management can do anything which is breach of human rights. But, believe me now I only need to get rid of the accountability of my soul. One last thing that I beg to you, please answer me before you snatch away my accesses.
My dear respected leader, please listen me.
May Allah keep us all safe. Ameen.
Md. Omer Faruk
Grameenphone Ltd.